Get a 10% discount on all new subscriptions!
Hurry! This exclusive offer from Fluger is limited to the first 100 subscriptions only. Don’t miss your chance to enjoy a 10% discount on a new subscription. Click the link below to secure your spot and claim your discount now!
Standard Pricing:
- Monthly Fee Per Store: $0.00
- Per Booking Fee: $0.85
- Minimum of 100 bookings per month.Pricing is quoted in
- Australian Dollars (ex GST).
Special Offer Pricing:
- Monthly Fee Per Store: $0.00
- Per Booking Fee: $0.76
- Minimum of 100 bookings per month.Pricing is quoted in Australian Dollars (ex GST).
Includes all the standard functions:
- Unlimited AIR lookups and uploads (No extra fees)
- Unlimited free SMS and Email (No extra fees)
- Unlimited users, patients and data storage
- Unlimited PPA claiming (No extra fees)
- Built-in Vaccine Clinic Finder functionality*
- No lock-in contracts, month-by-month payments, cancel at any time
- 30 day free trial
- Join the Fluger corporate health voucher system (referring 40,000 annually)
- Pay for what you use
- Patient Management Platform
- Allied Health Referral Platform
- Professional Service Platform
- MedView Flow Integration
- AU and NZ coverage
- HICAPS Integration