
Automatic Australian immunisation Register Integration

Advanced AIR Functions - No Cost

Fluger First has taken a significant step to help reduce pharmacy costs by eliminating all AIR costs, which translates to significant savings passed on to you.

You can expect to have access to all the exceptional features of AIR with Fluger First, including but not limited to, the ability to look up vaccination history, validate Medicare information, and record vaccine administration.

Fluger First seamlessly integrates with AIR at every step of the online booking process, ensuring that patients who book online and attend your store for vaccination have already been pre-validated with Medicare. This makes uploading vaccination details to AIR a simple and hassle-free experience for you.

Setting up is a breeze, and we will be with you every step of the way to ensure a smooth and hassle-free process.

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Facilitator Portal

Fluger now includes a comprehensive facilitator portal (nurse portal). Designed for simple/easy use on mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Availability Screenshot.  Now all your nurses

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Book a Demonstration.

A better future is possible! Your vaccination business can be better, and not stressful. Contact us today for a demonstration or more information.

Or call us directly on 1300 77 86 13